How to make Tow Mater Birthday Cakes
Easy instructions for making Tow Mater Birthday Cakes:Bake a sheet cake the size that you need.
With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw Towmater from the move "Cars" on the top of the cake.
Cut the cake away from the Towmater shape. You will use the star tip, size #18 to do all of the fill in work and round tip, size #7 to do all of the outline work.
First make a dark brown icing and outline the Towmater truck body.
Use a black icing to outline the tires and tread lines. With you star tip and white icing, fill in his teeth and windshield and outher white openings.

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Fill in a little bit of gray, purple, and yellow-green on the side of the truck.
Fill in the side window with the gray icing. With your dark brown icing, fill in the center of the tires and the top of the motor engine.
Now make a lighter brown icing and fill in the rest of the truck body.
With your black icing, fill in the eyes, hook and tires.
Also make a center dot and dots aroun it in the brown center part of the tire.
These resemble the nuts and bolts that hold the tire on.
Now take a regular fork and blend just the colored areas on the side of the truck (the purple, gray and green.)
Now you have a Towmater birthday cake!