St. Patrick's Day Cakes
These St. Patrick's Day cakes are sure to give you lots of inspiration for your St. Patrick's Day celebration or any other Irish celebration. From lucky shamrocks to leprochans, there are many different designs, so browse through them and see how each one was made.

To make this Leprechaun hat cake, I made 2 8"X3" cakes. I also made a very thin cake. I used my pizza pan! Let cool completely. Then stack the 2 eight inch cakes onto the thin cake...

This shamrock cake was pretty simple. All you have to do, is take heart shaped baking pans,and make three or four heart shaped cakes. Put the three or four cakes on a board together...

Bake the size sheet cake that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw the shape of the shamrock and banner on the top of the cake. Cut the cake away from your shape...

I made this cake for my mother's St. Patrick's Day work pot luck. To start with I made 7 8" round cakes in the different colors of the rainbow using approx...

To make this cupcake shamrock, I made 2 dozen cupcakes one mix and arranged them into a circle. I iced in green for the shamrock and brown for the background. This was a learning experience...

I used a shamrock shaped cake pan and one cake mix which was strawberry flavored. My son in law doesn't like buttercreme icing. Instead he wanted cool whip...