Pool Table Cakes
Look at these amazing pool table cakes that our visitors have made and submitted to our site. They each contain a descripion of how the cake was made, so check them out and you can replicate one of them or you can use them as inspiration for making your very own pool table cake.

My daughter came up with this pool table birthday cake for her friend. I used a box mix and baked according to directions in a 9" x 13" pan...

To make this pool table cake, I baked a chocolate cake. I iced it with green buttercream. I used round chocolate chip cookies as the balls...

This pool table cake is a yellow sourcream cake. I used a sheet cake size pan and I covered with buttercream. Let is stay for about 2 hours in fridge,...

To make this pool table cake, I made a box cake in a 13x9 cake pan. When cooled, I leveled off the top of the cake...

This pool table cake was for my son's 40th birthday. I made a 12x18 sheet cake for the pool table. I iced it in green and the sides in brown...