Pixar Character Cakes - Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Cars, Etc.
Here are all of the different Pixar character cakes. These are all of the character cakes from the Pixar movies such as Cars, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E and more!

This Lightning McQueen cake is my 1st car cake. As I don't have a car cake tin, so I bake a 8" square cake and from there I start shaping...

I made this Lightning McQueen cake for my son Netanel's third birthday party. First I made 2 cakes, one 10x13 rectangle for the base...

I made this Buzz Lightyear birthday cake for my son's 4th birthday. It is a two layer cake baked in a 9x12 pan, iced with Wilton's buttercream...

To make Buzz, I used a butter cream transfer. I took a coloring page off the internet and enlarged it to fit my cake size...

This was my first 3D racing cars cake that was ordered by my friend for her son's 2nd birthday. She said that her lovely son...

I made this Cars cake for my son's 3rd Birthday. It was a yellow cake frosted with white buttercream and edged with white...

This Cars themed birthday cake was made by my husband and myself. I made the cake which was a white cake with lemon...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw Buzz Lightyear on your cake top...

To make this Dory cake from the movie "Finding Nemo", I made a chocolate layer cake and frosted it with chocolate frosting...

This Finding Nemo birthday cake I decorated for my friend's daughter's 3rd birthday...

I just used the normal moist chocolate cake recipe, and used custard icing and then coloured sprinkles to decorate...

I made this Nemo cake for my little Jade for her 3rd birthday. I used the spongecake premix from Value Baking Supplies...

Bake a sheet cake the size you will need. Draw on the cake with an icing filled bag and round tip #5 using...

I made this Lightning McQueen cake for my little boy's 4th birthday. I used his McQueen boom box...

This Lightning McQueen birthday cake was made using an 11 x 14 x 3" cake pan, then I had to carve it free hand to look like a car...

To make this Lightning McQueen birthday cake, I used the Wilton Lightning McQueen shaped cake tin and looked up the Wilton web...

Make a sheet cake the size that you will need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw the Lightning McQueen on the cake top...

This Lightning McQueen cake was a last minute request from my sister in law on my nephew's birthday. I used red cake decorating...

One of my favorites, I started with two quarter sheet cakes, stacked, buttercream in the middle, then I froze it for 30 minutes and I carved the holes for donuts (tires)...

To make this Nemo birthday cake, I just used a chocolate cake and covered it completely in light blue frosting. Then I traced out Nemo ...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you will need. Using a #3 or #5 round tip, draw on your cake with icing using the above picture or any Nemo picture as a guideline...

I made two 9x13 sheet cakes and stacked them on top of each other. I stuck them together with icing and froze them over night. The next day...

To make this spaceship Buzz Lightyear cake, I used one, 2 layer cake mix and a 9x13 pan...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw Towmater from the move "Cars" on the top of the cake..

For this Tow Mater cake, I used two bread pans and two boxes of cake mix. I took the cake mix and mixed everything up that it called for ...

For this Toy Story birthday cake, I used fondant and marbled it for the wood grain of the floor. Also, made it look like slats of wood...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. Ice the cake in white icing using a cake spatula and making sure that the surface is niche and smooth. ..

This cake was baked for my grandson's third birthday. I found a picture of Woody and Bulleye's on in the internet. ..

This Toy Story cake is all hand made with fondant covering. The planets and rockets and stars are all fondant. Then it has small royal icing pipe work on...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. Ice the cake in white or ivory icing making sure that it is nice and smooth.With an icing filled bag and round tip #5 draw...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip #5 draw the Wall E shape on the cake top. Cut the cake away from the shape...

This Lightning McQueen cake was my first attempt at making a Wilton cake. I followed the directions but forgot to add the number. Instead of ...