Mythical Creatures Cakes - Fairies, Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons & Monsters
Become enchanted by one of these mythical creatures cakes. Bake up the magic and make believers out of your party guests by showing off your baking talents as you re-create the magic in any one of these creative cakes.

This cake was for my granddaughter's 10th birthday. Every year, at the end of her birthday, she tells me what she wants for her next, so I have a whole year to plan a cake and as you can see...

With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw a monster face on the cake top. Use a star tip, size #16 to do all of the fill in work and a round tip, size #5 to do all of the outline work...

Bake a cake the size that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw the monster on the cake top. Cut the cake away from the monster shape...

I used a bundt pan to bake the cake and cut the cake and shaped like a dragon. I built up the dragon in spots as well as the tail with marshmallows...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you will need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw the fairy princess on the cake top. Remember you can wipe off the icing as many times as you need to...

This cake was especially made for my 5 year-old daughter's birthday. She loves all things fairy, flowery and sparkly...

This fairy cake is a Ribbon cake. It was decorated with butter icing. I have used icing flowers, a small doll, a stick made by card-board and specially design wings to decorate this cake...

This fairy tale cake consists of 17 cakes. There are 3 half sheet cakes, one side has 10, 8 and 6 inch round cakes. The other side has 10 and 8 inch round cakes...

This dragon cake was made with dark chocolate mud and white chocolate cakes. I used a Dolly varden tin for the front of its body and I used a 13 inch round for the cake of his body...

Bake a round cake the size that you will need. You can make it a single layer cake or a double layer cake. The cake in the picture is a single layer..

Similar to the Tinkerbell cake I did. I drew the dragon with a toothpick and then filled it in with stars. The castle is made from pieces of cake stuck together I love stars, they cover up everything..

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. You can use your own cake recipe for this unicorn cake or try one of our chocolate cake recipes that are found under Cake Recipes..