Kids Birthday Cakes - Page 4
Here is page4 of our kids birthday cakes section. Browse through all of these cute kids cakes and get some inspiration for making your next children's birthday cake.

To make this construction cake, I baked two 11x13 cakes one devils food and one white. I then placed the two beside each...

This cow cake is one of my favorite cakes to make. I had so much fun. I have posted one similar to it on here before, but I...

To make this cow cake I used my own mud cake recipe and tripled it. I make my own vanilla fondant and bought black fondant....

This crown cake is a 2 layer 8 cake w/butter cream icing in the middle. I cut out sugar cookies for the crown and placed them...

For this crown cake, I used two 9-inch round pans and followed a simple rice crispy treat recipe. I sprayed the pans with...

I used 3 cake mixes to make this crown cake. One big hexagon pan, 1 small oval pan and a 6 round pan. Bake according to...

This Cupcake Number 7 Birthday Cake is a great cake to make for a 7th birthday. You can make this cake in the shape of any number and using the colors of your choosing.

Autumn is my 15 yr old. She was watching her younger brother make the Mickey Mouse cake and wanted to decorate the cupcakes...

This dancing cake was another favorite of mine. It's chocolate mud cake with pink fondant and the dancer, shoes and roses...

This dachshund birthday cake is a 2 layer round Buttermilk Chocolate cake. It is frosted in Buttercream with a buttercream transfer dachshund dog...

This dirt track truck cake was a cake for my 13 year old grandson Eric. He is one of twins and he likes truck races. The bottom...

I used a 9 x 13 cake. I used buttercream icing and colored 1/2 of it brown and the other 1/2 green. I made the 'dirt' track with...

This dirt bike track cake is one I made awhile back for a friend's son. The cake is all yellow cake, the hay bales are peanut...

Includes pictures and instructions for making dog cakes and various other cakes. Find out exactly how each of these cakes were made.

Find out exactly how this fantastic looking dinosaur cake was made. Just follow the easy instructions using the picture as your guide.

Homemade Dinosaurs Cake My son is obsessed with dinosaurs and wanted a dinosaur cake for his 3rd birthday. As he isn't fond of...

To make this dinosaur cake, I used 1 cake mix and I baked in one side of the Wilton sports ball pan, 1 egg shaped cupcake and 1...

This dinosaur cake is a sculpted cake made from 2 cake mixes in two 8 inch round cake pans and one 9 inch round cake pan. But I...

To make this dinosaur cake, I made a 9 x 13 cake for the base. Cook and cool according to directions. I also made an oval cake...

Find out how to make this Baby Bop dinosaur birthday cake and others.Includes pictures and directions for making several Easter cakes...

To make this Barney cake, I used one cake mix prepared according to directions, and a Barney shaped cake pan I found on Ebay. I...

This dirt bike track cake is one I made awhile back for a friend's son. The cake is all yellow cake, the hay bales are peanut butter fudge with coconut...

I made the 'dirt' track with the brown icing....I made it 3 dimensional by putting on a LOT of icing and shaping it to look like a track. I smoothed it out with a butter knife...

This dirt track truck cake was a cake for my 13 year old grandson Eric. He is one of twins and he likes truck races. The bottom layer is a 11x15 cake pan...

Need a cake idea? Here is an adorable dog birthday cake idea that is easy to make. Includes pictures and easy to follow instructions.

I made this doggy cake in a pan with a cupcake mixture batter, slice it in half length ways and filled it with chocolate...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. Ice the cake in white icing, making sure it's nice and smooth. Let it set at least a half hour...

The cake is chocolate fudge cake with chocolate butter cream filling and the icing is the same as the filling....

To make this sculptured dog cake, I started with round cakes stacked and filled. Then I froze it. When it became firm enough to cut...

This dog cake was some work 5 days in the making and he turned out great. I cooked two 12 inch rounds and a Pyrex bowl cake as well...

Includes pictures and easy to follow instructions for making this doll cake. Find out how to make a fantastic looking doll birthday cake.

To make this doll cake, I used a cheap doll that I bought at a 99 cents store. I used the ball cake pan. I baked one butter cake...

The first thing I did to make this doll cake was go to the 99 cent store and buy a doll. I dislocated her body from her legs...

This doll cake was made using a dolly varden tin. It is caramel mud cake and this was made to enter my home town's show it has...

This frilly doll cake is a yellow cake. All of the frills were cut out one at a time and placed on the cake. It took a while, but...