Kids Birthday Cakes - Page 3
Here is page 3 of our kids birthday cakes. Any one of these kids birthday cakes are sure to impress. As always just click on the cake that you would like to see and you will find a larger picture along with a description of how the cake was made.

I bought this pan for this car cake off ebay. It didn't come with instructions, but she wanted it to be red. Her dad has a red...

The base of this NASCAR cake is made with 2 boxes of yellow cake mix. The car is made with 2 boxes of pound cake. I stacked the 2...

This red Mercedes Benz Sports series cake is made for a friend's husband birthday who has recently bought this car to add on to his...

This race car birthday cake is sure to be a hit with any car enthusiast or a child who likes cars...

This Porsche car cake is for a church brother's 54th birthday. I baked a 10x10 and shape it to a car shape. Then covered it with...

to make this car cake, I used the crusier cake pan and did as Nancy suggested and added extra cake mix. And with the left over mix...

I made this carousel cake for my son's first birthday. I used a bundt cake pan for the bottom part. I iced it and covered it in sprinkles. ...

This carousel horse cake was made in a shaped pan with one cake mix. To decorate it, I used buttercream icing and some candy...

To make this castle cake, I made a 10 and a 6 round cake. Let cool completely. I iced in buttercream and added the plastic castle...

Needs: 2 10 square layers 2 6 round layers 1 9 x 13 layer 5 sugar ice cream cones 2 pounds fondant - 1/2 pounds colored purple...

For this castle cake I used 4 cake boxes of Betty Crocker's chocolate and pudding cake and 4 cake boxes of Betty Crocker's vanilla cakes...

My sister and I used a Wilton castle kit to do this castle cake. It is covered in fondant and has a white cake lower level and a...

This castle cake is actually a cut out of Wiltons castle cake---I did not have the actual cake pan so I had to make do. I used 2...

I made this cake for my friends 5 year old. He requested the cat to be lying down. The rest was up to me to figure out. This is what I came up with...

For this cat cake, I borrowed my sister's cat shaped cake pan and used 1 cake mix and baked according to directions. Let cool...

Need a child birthday cake idea? Here is a cute orange cat that you can make. Includes pictures and instructions of this cake and hundreds of others.

Find out how to make fantastic looking kid cakes such as this cat and dog birthday party cake. Includes pictures and easy to follow instructions for making this cake and many others.

For this cat face cake, I used 1/2 of a round cake. I just placed the triangle pieces together and iced in orange...

I made this cheetah cake for our daughter's first birthday. I call her my little Cheetah :) I used round cake pans for the head and body, Twinkies for the arms and legs (cutting them in half)...

For this train cake, I made a regular 1/2 sheet cake and iced it. I used sour licorice for the tracks...

Find out how to make a circus cake such as this circus tent. Includes pictures along with easy to follow instructions of how it was made...

For this Circus Fun cake, I made two, three layered tiered cakes, one 8" round and one 6" round with buttercream icing...

Includes pictures and easy instructions on how to make a fantastic looking clown cake. This clown cake is easy to make...

The clown cake was an almond tart, turned upside down. Covered with yellow sugar paste to be the face...

This clown picture cake is easy to make. Includes easy to follow directions and a picture of this cute clown cake. Take a look and see how it was made...

This picture of a clown cake will guide you in making this cake. Just follow the easy instructions and you can make this cute clown cake too.

To start of with, make two of your average circular sponges, and place them one on top of the other with one half thinly spread with jam and the other with butter icing...

This clown cake is made up of 2 layers round shape chocolate cake with cream at the center and put together so that it'll become one 12" round cake...

To make this clown cake, I used chocolate cake mix and baked two 8 inch cakes. I put them together with butter cream frosting...

To make this 3D clown cake, I used the ball pan and a 6" round pan for this cake. It took a mix and a 1/2 of another mix...

I made this construction cake for a friends 4 year old grandson who loves dump trucks. The truck is...

Homemade Construction / Digger Cake My little boy had a "construction" party for his 5th birthday and I made him this construction digger cake...

This construction site cake was made from four 9x13 homemade chocolate cakes. Although it could...

I made this construction site cake for my son's Construction Themed 4th Birthday Party. Which can be seen on my blog...

This was made for my sons 5th birthday. He really likes to play with all the road constructing machines, so I made this cake for him. This is butter cake...