Kids Birthday Cakes - Page 10
Here is the final and 10th page of our kids birthday cakes section. Make sure you check out all of our kids cakes. Some of them are easy to make and some of them are very difficult. You are sure to find the perfect cake that will give you inspiration for your next party.

This is Hei-hei's teddy bear birthday cake. He really loves Teddy Bears. So, when he had a birthday celebration, he asked me to make a teddy bear cake for him...

For this teddy bear birthday cake, I found a cake tin in the shape of a teddy and I thought it was perfect for my daughter's teddy bear picnic party...

I wanted to bake a cake for my son's 1st birthday so badly. Thanks to the internet I managed to bake and decorate a reasonable one. It was a vanilla sponge single layer cake with fondant icing with 3 fondant teddy bears on top...

This teddy bear cake is victoria vanilla cake, I made several ones, filled by butter cream, sculpted it to shape the trunk of the teddy, covered with butter cream and refrigerated to firm up...

To make this teddy bear cake, follow these steps: step 1 bake two 9x12 cakes. step 2 spread the white butter icing over it and give two coatings. step 3 then trace the picture of the teddy bear in a thick paper or a cardboard ...

Find out how to make these fantastic looking teddy bear cakes by following these easy instructions. This teddy bear birthday cake is easy to make...

For this 3D tiger cake, I used the 3-D stand up lion pan I bought on Ebay. It took one cake mix. Grease and flour both halves of the pan. Add prepared cake mix to front side of pan...

To make these tiger cakes, I used the 3-D stand up Wilton lion cake pan. I put a small piece of aluminum foil over the hole on the back section of the cake pan...

Find out how to make this fantastic looking tractor cake. Includes pictures and easy to follow instructions.

To make this train birthday cake, I cut a square cake to form the bottom and back of the train. Then I put a sponge roll on top of the cake to make the shape of the train...

To make these train birthday cakes, I used 4 loaf pound cakes and 6 cans of frosting(which I colored), pretzel logs, chocolate covered peanuts(for the coal car)...

Find out how to make this train cake. This train birthday cake looks fantastic, and is easy to make. Also includes pictures and instructions for making many other kids birthday cakes.

I used 2 cake mixes. I used a medium sized loaf pan for the engine and small loaf pans for the box cars. There are 2 loaves per car...

The train is a bundt cake baked in loaf pans. The rounded edges were cut off to create a straight edge...

I used loaf pans for this cake and 2 cake mixes. I used buttercream in all different colors. I also used oreo's for the wheels and other candy as well...

To make this train cake, I used 3 cake mixes and a long loaf pan, small loaf pans and a tube pan. The tube pan was in the shape of a heart...

This treasure chest cake was so much fun! I started by baking 3 layers of 9X13 cakes. And cooled. I froze one of the layers for a few hours, this will be the lid, it's easier to carve when frozen...

I made this treasure chest cake with a half sheet cake cut in 4 pieces. I covered in supposedly gold color buttercream. I added some wiggly decorations made with chocolate at the 4 corners...

To make this treasure chest cake, I used white cake mix, white icing colored brown, yellow icing, and black icing gels for the...

This treasure chest cake is 3 layers of chocolate slab cake stuck together with jam. Stack them up and then hollow out the top...

I baked two square cakes and cut the 7's out. Used king icing to ice the cakes and for the pictures used run in icing...

For this turtle cake, I made a 12 square cake. I used the sports ball pan set and made on half of the ball and the rest of the mix...

Ok, so a turtle isn't really a fish, but we stuck it in here anyway. Now- for the instructions...I really didn't do to much for this turtle cake. I baked one chocolate cake in a Large Pyrex bowl. The largest one...

This cake is decorated by my friend. This cake is very special, because the second layer is made of jelly and fruit. The lower...

I made this under the sea cake for my sons 2nd birthday party. This is a 3 tiered 2-layered chocolate cake with blue colored...

Find out how to make this Unicorn Cake. It is easy to make. Includes pictures and directions for making this unicorn birthday cake.

This Volcano Birthday Cake is a great cake to make for anyone who likes volcanoes or geology. It is also a magnificent cake to make for a prehistoric or dinosaur fan.

To make this Volcano cake, I used 2 bundt sizes, and an 18x8 inch square pan. I made "dirt" with tinted homemade butter frosting, then shaped the "mountain"...

My volcano cake was made with two full round cakes, one slightly smaller than the other, and a large chocolate muffin...

I ended up using 3 cake mixes to make this volcano cake. And I used a 9" x 13" oval pan and the wonder mold pan as well. After baking according to directions, let cool completely...

I baked 3 boxes of chocolate cake mix in a large metal mixing bowl and 1 box in a smaller glass bowl. After the cakes were cooled, I turned the larger cake upside...

This volcano cake is a 12x18 sheet cake with a corner cut out for the waterfall. The volcano was the mold for a dolls dress and the lava is fondant...

This cake was made for a 7 year old. He loved it. I baked the cake in a large Longaberger bowl and added two mini bunt cakes for the very top. It was very easy to make...

I made this zebra cake for my son's 2nd birthday - he is animal obsessed and a real Madagascar fan. He wanted a Marty...

I made this zebra cake for my son's 2nd birthday - he is animal obsessed and a real Madagascar fan. He wanted a Marty...