Icing my own wedding cake....

by Jasmine Tarrant
(Brisbane, Australia QLD)

I have decided to ice my own wedding cake with ready made roll out fondant icing from supermarket. I have a few questions:

* I wanted to know after finish icing the cake, do i place the entire iced cake in the fridge or room temp?

* Covered or uncovered?

And also the cake im icing is a marble mudcake,
* How do I store it?
* And how long for?

Sorry for all the questions, but my wedding is in less then 2 weeks and thought I should really know all this..lol

Thank you,


P.s I posted a Spongebob Square Pants cake on here a few months ago, from my son's birthday.

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Jan 16, 2010
icing on wedding cake response
by: Mildred

Because sometimes here is so hot where I live, I always put my cakes in the fridge before giving them out. Frosted, iced, decorated with fondant or without. I do not like to leave them out of the fridge for I been scared to get spoiled. So far, I have not have any of the colors bleeding or running off. I just let them out of the fridge for about an hour before giving them to the individuals. Some time they have been totally ready in the fridge for 3 or 4 days. I do keep them in a container, box or pretty much covered. My husband gave me a fridge as a present just for cakes only, so I have a lot of room for cakes.

Jan 16, 2010
Fondant cake
by: Lena, Kuching Malaysia

Since is for your own wedding, you can start baking your cake 3 days before your wedding. Normally most cake can last at least 4 days without fridge. If you bake a week earlier then store it in the fridge or freezer but without fondant. Defrost totally before use.

Well fondant is made of sugar, never keep a fondant cake in the fridge. My weather here is very humid so I will only put the fondant on the cake 1 day before the event and try to keep in the air-cond room. For your weather is dried so you can cover the cake earlier (2-3 days) but never, never keep it in the fridge.

Jan 15, 2010
making your own cake
by: Kelly

I'm sorry I don't know all the answers to your questions!
I made my own wedding cake last Nov. and I posted it on here as well.
I baked the cakes on Tuesday and Wednesday and iced them on Wednesday....then set them up for the reception on Thursday.
It's cold here so I kept them in the basement. I kept them covered before I iced them.
After I iced them, I just let them stay in the cold air.
The cake was perfect inside.

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