Gretsch White Falcon Guitar Birthday Cake

by Rachel

Gretsch White Falcon Guitar Cake

Gretsch White Falcon Guitar Cake

I made this guitar cake for my father-in-law's 63rd birthday. He loves guitars and the Gretsch White Falcon is his favorite guitar.

I really am not a cake decorator and just made this for a birthday for a bit of fun so the information I have provided is really just a guide to what I did and what worked for me.

I made 2 vanilla sponge cakes with vanilla buttercream using the following recipe (makes 1 cake):

8oz Butter
8oz Caster Sugar
4 eggs
8oz Self-raising flour
2 tsp baking powder

Lightly grease the tin (I used a large rectangular tin) and line with non-stick baking parchment.

Pre-heat oven to 180C

Put all ingredients into a bowl and beat with an electric mixer until smooth and all ingredients mixed together.

Pour mixture into tin(s) and bake in oven for approx 30 - 35mins until the cake is golden and springs back when pressed.

Leave to cool for a few minutes then turn out onto a wire rack.

Let the cake cool completely before you begin to carve.

I decided to cut the cake across the middle into 2 halves so that I could put a layer of buttercream through. You can carefully do this and then put the cake back together with the buttercream in the middle.

I printed out and enlarged a picture of the guitar so that I could cut the
cake to the correct size.

Carve the cake to the shape you require. It does help having a to scale picture to hand - you ca use it as a template for the guitar shape itself and also the detail on the cake.

I used the second cake to form the neck of the guitar and then attached it to the bigger part of the guitar with buttercream.

You may choose to put buttercream on the cake or marzipan to help your icing stick. Lay the icing carefully onto the cake and trim where necessary.

The detail of the guitar is all made from icing apart from the 'f-holes' which I painted on using a small paint brush and black coloring. To get these precise I cut them out of paper and used the paper as a template so they were the correct shape and size.

Everything else is made from icing. Just molded to the shapes and carved detail. The frets are icing colored black and the gold effect I got from using lustre spray.

I used an icing writing pen to draw the strings on.

To keep the pegs up I cut straws in half and pushed them through the cake at the top and then molded the pegs onto the straws. (Remember to tell people the straws are in the cake!!)

(I used a ready rolled icing to decorate the cake).

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Aug 09, 2011
by: Nele

WOW!! I want to make that one too :-) could you drop me a line at please? I would like some more specifications. It's awesome :-)

Sep 23, 2009

Oh that is amazing!
That's the best one I've seen yet!!!!

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