How to Make a Frog Cake
Easy instruction for making a frog cake:Bake a sheet cake the size that you will need. Using an icing filled bag and round tip #5 draw a frog on the cake according to the above picture.
With star tip #18, fill in the spots on the frog with dark green icing. Next fill in the eyes using black and white icing. Then fill in the rest of the frog's body using green icing.

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Another Frog Cake...
Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. Using an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw a frog on the cake according to the picture above.
Using the same size star tip, fill in the frog with green icing.
Finally, outline the frog according to the picture
using black icing and round tip, size #5.
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If you have made a frog cake that you would like to share, please submit your cake here and let us know how you made it! We would love to feature your cake on our site. Please make sure to include a photo of your cake and a description of how you made it, so that we can all share ideas and learn from each other!
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