Hi, I want to decorate a cake that will have sunflowers on it but in the center of the flower I would like to use individual pictures of family members faces, can I get multiple pictures printed on the same sheet of edible paper and cut out the faces? This is my first time using edible paper. This is for my aunts 80th birthday.
Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. :)
Aug 12, 2010
Collage on edible paper by: Rita
Hi, what you can do is arranges the pictures in the center of the flowers on regular paper and then scan it in order to have it in PDF. then you can use the Kopycake program and print it from there.
my email is: ritin25@hotmail.com if you have any further questions.
Aug 12, 2010
paper by: Tom
Yes u can. I do it all the time.the edible icing is 9 x 12 what ever u can get on it.then cuy away.
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