How to Make Childrens Cakes Such as this Spider Bug Cake

Easy instructions for making childrens cakes such as this spider bug cake:
Bake a 9 x 13 inch cake or larger if needed. This cake will be the body.
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Bake the cake for the head of the bug in a pyrex bowl.
Cut the body of the bug out in an oval shape. Use the pieces that you
cut away to round off the top of the body by placing them on top of
your oval. Use icing to hold the pieces together.
Ice the bottom part of the body in chocolate icing. Put the yellow stripes and circles in yellow icing outlined in chocolate icing. Fill in the top part of the body with blue icing.
The legs are black puff pipe cleaners bent in the center with a puff on each end. One end is stuck in the cake and the other end on the board with an icing foot piped on top of it.
When you are making cakes for children, the brighter the
colors the better. This cake is full of bright colors and looks a lot
harder than it actually is to make. It is an awesome cake for any child that love's bugs or spiders and is a great way to
make that theme cute!