Cat in the Hat Cake
Easy instructions for making this Cat in the Hat cake:Bake a sheet cake in whatever size you will need for how many people you will have at your birthday party.

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Once you have the shape drawn, cut away the cake from it.
Make black icing and using round tip, size #5, outline the entire cat.
You will use a star tip, size #18 to do all of the fill in work.
Make red icing and fill in the red sections of his hat and his bow.
With your white icing fill in the rest of the cat and the sides of the birthday cake.
Share Your Cat In The Hat Cakes
If you have made a Cat In The Hat cake for a birthday or other occasion that you would like to share, please submit your cake here and let us know how you made it! We would love to feature your cake on our site. Please make sure to include a photo of your cake and a description of how you made it, so that we can all share ideas and learn from each other!
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Cat In The Hat Birthday Cake
For this Cat in the Hat birthday cake, I used 1/4 sheet cake to shaped and look like the Cat in the Hat. I covered the cake with buttercream and then …