Can I buy a plain white iced cake and decorate it with fondant?
by Kat
I am new to the cake decorating world...VERY new! I have a great idea for my son's 1st birthday cake, but do not have time to learn all I need to know to make it. So I was thinking of taking a short cut by going to my local grocery store bakery...ask them to make a 2 tiered round cake and ice it all white with just the regular old white icing they use. Can I then decorate it myself with fondant cut outs? I want it to look like a I'll be attaching fondant spots, nose, mouth, etc...Will fondant stick to that icing or will it absorb the oil and get all gooey? Thank you!
Comments for Can I buy a plain white iced cake and decorate it with fondant?
I would just say to make sure the the cake is smooth and free of any other decorations (duh) cause any ripples or bumps might be seen through. :) Good luck! :)
Oct 28, 2008
Yes by: Anonymous
Yes, just lightly brush some water on the cake where you want a spot to attach and lay it on there. It should work fine.
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