Cake Decorations

I am just getting started in cake decorating with fondant and I would like to know what is the best way to get decorations to stick to the cake fondant securely without messing it up.

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Oct 08, 2008
by: Ann Neal

I know you are excited about using Fondant. I used it for the first time several weeks ago and fell in love with it. I use piping gel as well as buttercream frosting to affix my fondant designs. Can't wait to see your cake design.

Oct 08, 2008
by: Kelly

Nancy.... hee hee, VODKA?
I WANT SOME OF YOUR CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! ;}

Oct 07, 2008
fondant glue
by: Nancy

You can use vodka or clear vanilla or melt a little fondant and it will really stick if you have larger or heavier fondant flowers or toppers. Hope this helps you, The water is a good way also..Nancy of CA

Oct 07, 2008
fondant decorations
by: dot

all you have to do is apply a small amount of water to the fondant and it will stick with no problem. I use a small paint brush to apply the water

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