Birthday Cake Decorating Ideas . . .Theodore Tugboat
Easy instructions for birthday cake decorating ideas such as this Theodore tugboat:Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw the tugboat on the top of the cake.
Cut the cake away from the tugboat outline. With white icing and star tip, size #18, cover Theodore’s eyes and white smoke stack.
Do the entire smokestack with the white icing. The
black top is added on top of the white later.
Make a red colored icing and using the same size star tip, size #18,
fill in all of the red areas. The red areas are Theodore’s hat, smile
eyebrows and top parts of the boat.
Related Cakes
Make a green colored icing and using the same size star tip, size #18, cover the hull or bottom part of the boat.
Now make a light yellow icing and cover the rest of the boat using star tip, size #18.
Now place black bumper guards on the side of the boat. These are black licorice wheels found in the candy section of stores or a candy store. Use black licorice sticks for the lines by the bumper guards. Also add three strips to fit the top of the white smoke stack.
Now make a black icing and use round tip, size #5 to
outline the entire top part of the boat making sure not to forget the
dot in the center of the eyes. Use the picture as reference.